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It's Coronation Weekend!  Celebrate like a Royal!

It's Coronation Weekend! Celebrate like a Royal!

It's been 70 years, almost to the day since the last Coronation of a British monarch and I for one am very excited.  Saturday 6th May, with the celebration starting at 11am, this is going to be a memorable event indeed.
Easter Fun – Gift Ideas and Things to Do for Young and Old

Easter Fun – Gift Ideas and Things to Do for Young and Old

Easter shows all the signs of Spring and all the imagery around it is so cheerful and full of hope.   
Shop small UK and support the economy

Love to shop small? Why it’s good to support small businesses in the UK

As a small business OohBox is a huge advocate of shopping with small and independent businesses, that’s why we try and feature as many as possible in our gift boxes.  Our gifts have a good balance of small artisan suppliers that sit perfectly with some beautifully crafted products from larger well-known brands.
Ooh's Ideas for a cold Sunday

Ooh's Ideas for a cold Sunday

Whatever you prefer, there’s just nothing like slowing down and indulging in a bit of relaxation before the start of the week, right? Let Oohbox guide the way x
Engagement Gifts and Ideas for the Happy Couple!

Engagement Gifts and Ideas for the Happy Couple!

A proposal and engagement is one of the most exciting times in a person’s life.  They’re making a commitment to be with and care for someone else for as long as they live.  

But finding the right gift for the happy couple can be a tricky thing to do.  Not with Ooh!

Check out our New Home Gift Boxes, You'll be Top of the List for the Party!!

Check out our New Home Gift Boxes, You'll be Top of the List for the Party!!

Moving house? Why do we do it? More space, less space and ooh! the new house gift boxes!
Struggling to Find Interesting and Unique Gifts for Father's Day? Check Out These Ideas.

Struggling to Find Interesting and Unique Gifts for Father's Day? Check Out These Ideas.

Buying for the men in your life can be notoriously difficult. Here at OohBox you'll find lots of practical gifts from Notebooks and Desk Mates, Car essentials, Commuter Gift Box, Pet gifts and Glassware, through to our BBQ Sizzler, Men's Grooming and Indian Spice. If you’re looking for something special that won't cost the earth, and want gift box ideas containing bespoke carefully selected quality items, supplied gift wrapped and delivered to the door then look no further!
Mother's Day Gift Ideas

What is the best gift 🎁 for Mother’s Day?

Some of the best mums aren’t mums at all.  The person who is always there for you, who supports and believes in you, and who raises you up.  Even if they’re not mum by blood, they deserve to put their feet up too.