Let’s face it, hearing your pal has either proposed or been proposed to by the love of their life is some of the best news we can ever hear. No matter how they did it, where, when or who was involved, that news is likely to leave you grinning from ear to ear.
And that’s because a proposal and engagement is one of the most exciting times in a person’s life. They’re making a commitment to be with and care for someone else for as long as they live. I mean, this is what all the songs talk about!
But finding the right gift for the happy couple can be a tricky thing to do. Most engaged people already live together and have got their home sorted out, so not really a need for traditional crockery. Money is always useful, of course, but sometimes it’s nice to give them something they can actually hold, you know?
Never fear, we’ve got a few gift ideas to start you off, so that you can congratulate the newly engaged in a thoughtful way.
Booze, booze, and more booze
This seems straightforward, but a nicely presented tipple can be a really lovely way of toasting the pair on their new journey. Presenting them with champagne flutes, or gin glasses (depending on their fancy) can offer them the opportunity to toast together at home. Or if their tastes differ, perhaps one likes wine, the other whisky, getting single gift boxes for each of them is a thoughtful way of tailoring the gift to them as individual.
Mark the milestone!
A gift that is slightly longer lasting than alcohol (at least in my house) is a little keepsake for them to remember their engagement. Of course, they’re not going to forget it in a hurry most of the time, but presenting them with ‘groom to be’ or ‘bride to be’ mugs would be a lovely way to ramp up the excitement as they get closer to the wedding day. And speaking of countdowns, a countdown plaque is a lovely way for the two to document how much time there is left, and vow books are a lovely touch in prep for the big day.
It's all in the planning
Now you know your friends better than I do, but you can’t go wrong with a planner! Depending on how they’re deciding to sort the preparations out, they’ll have a LOT of work on their hands, and having one place to write everything down will be a lifesaver as the pressure gets a bit too much.
Thoughtful and thrifty
Hey, we know this (we are in the market after all), but engagement presents can be expensive. We get it, and so will your friends. If money is tight right now, what you can give them instead is a little bit of time and energy. Spending an evening writing a thoughtful congratulations card can be a lovely way of sharing your love with your newly engaged pals, while not breaking the bank. To give it an extra touch, you can spray perfume or pillow spray onto the card, or if you can, tuck a photo of the three of you into the card before you seal it.
So there are a few gift ideas for your just engaged friends! We hope you found some of these useful, and we’re sending all our luck to them as they start their new chapter. We’re rooting for those guys and with gifts from £20 with gift wrap and delivery included we're here to help you show your love.