Physical and Mental Wellbeing is the focus of World Health Day on the 7th April.  The theme this year is to focus on the inequalities of health care around the world something that the pandemic has highlighted. The World Health Organisation is aiming to show how these vast differences in care can be prevented.  Here in the UK we are so lucky to have our NHS, the testing and now vaccines are all free at point of use but not all countries have anywhere near the services that we take for granted.  Even in our privileged land, the fallout from this virus have taken a toll on many people and families.

As lockdown starts to lift and we look to getting a sense of normality back in our lives many people will be feeling anxious and worried.  Whether it’s returning to school or work the year of restrictions has both supporters and those who have found it quite debilitating.  

Some would say it’s not all been bad, there are those that have been unaffected and have been able to carry on pretty much as normal.  There have been reports of workers saving thousands of pounds by not having the travel expenses, take-away coffees and lunches that are all part of the working week. Many have enjoyed working from home, they don’t miss the commute and have had zero travelling time, and after a year the home office and zoom meetings have become second nature.  There are many companies that may adopt the home working model going forward, why rent office space if your staff are productive from home. 

Of course the advantages are there to be seen but there are disadvantages too. 

Having your office at home blurs the lines on your working day, this suits many but it can be detrimental when people end up working into the wee small hours.  We’re social creatures and thrive on relationships and a sense of community and there is much evidence to show the negative impact of separation and lack of contact with extended family and friends.   Add home schooling into the mix and suddenly it is no longer “Home Sweet Home”.

There is a lot to be said for a structured working day, the 9 -5 or the end of day school bell, that sign, that clear indicator that it is time to stop working and studying and relax, its leisure time!  We all need to switch off and recharge the batteries if we are to maintain a healthy work life balance.

At OohBox we have been open for business throughout and although we have had to re-organise the workspace to allow for social distancing being able to carry on as normal has been a gift.  The normality works wonders for your mental health which is something we have focussed on in our Relax and Pamper Boxes.

For those who have struggled with the lockdown or are anxious about the relaxing of the restrictions a well thought out gift box and a message of support might be just the thing to bring about some cheer and make them feel Happy.  A virtual Hug might be just the trick although let’s face it we’re all desperate for the real thing!

Our collections include relaxing or invigorating candles, self-help books, herbal teas and luxury biscuits and chocolates.  Perfect to send in a gift box with a personalised message of love and support.

As lockdown is lifted and life returns to normal, let’s celebrate everything we have in the UK, it might not be 100% but it’s a lot better than many other countries and communities around the globe.

Stay Safe from All at OohBox x

Julie Selby