This year is an historic year.

And for once it’s not because of the “C” word, but because of the “F” word.

Unless you’ve been sleeping over the last few weeks, you won’t fail to have noticed how well our boys have done this year.  Love it or hate it, footie fever is sweeping the nation and all due to come to a close on Sunday...

... But, did somebody say final?!!

It’s not been an easy ride for our lovely country these last 55 years, (not so proudly) holding the record for the longest gap between appearances in the final of any European team in history.  This year it’s time to make it right.  The “F” word puts to sleep that 55 year curse and however things turn out on Sunday, we should be proud of getting to the FINAL stage of the competition.  1966 was such a long time ago...

It’s been an emotional and somewhat, stressful journey - especially following the last two years of the “C” word.  Emotional for many reasons, not least because finally football can be played as it was always intended – with fans.  The nation will be coming together on Sunday whether you’re lucky enough to be there at the final, enjoying the game in a beer garden, or if you choose to stay at home with friends and family.

How lovely to see everyone together once more – and a very different picture to last year.  For those staying at home hosting a party (especially one like this) the ratio of kitchen/match time can sometimes be a little off balance and in favour of the kitchen – not good.  So, how do you get the most out of your time on this special day?

It’s a well-known fact that curry and football is a good partnership.  In the words of Fat Les (aka Keith Allen) during the 1998 FIFA World Cup, “… we all like Vindaloo”.  Well, some of us do – if we have the stamina to eat it!  Ghost Chillies aren’t for the faint hearted after all.

For the avid footie fan, we have the perfect gift – it could quite aptly be named “The Match Day Companion”, but then curries are to be enjoyed any time so The Spicy Night In is here for all those together times.  Previously hailed as “Gift of the Year”, the awesome Spice Tin in this gift box contains nine essential curry spices to allow you to cook a curry from scratch with as little or big a kick as you wish!  All that time spent grinding spices, gone!  Just add the meat and/or vegetables and you’re good to go – a total day-saver!

When busy cooking, a liquid refreshment is always handy.  The Curry Chef can enjoy the privilege of one of those with the inclusion in this gift box of a rather tasty Pilsner, sourced (literally) from the very popular brewery down the road from us!

For those watching outdoors (British weather allowing, of course), there is always a BBQ party to be had.  The perfect BBQ Buddy, The Sizzler is on hand to impress your friends with your cooking prowess!

Catering for all tastes, this gift contains rubs for Beef, Fish and Chicken, or why not mix it up a bit and add to vegetables?  There is a wonderful “Swiss Army” of BBQ Tools on hand to do literally everything for you (we don’t recommend waving this about in the air if we score!), an apron with a few handy tips and not one, not two, but THREE cans of liquid refreshment covering all bases.

However you spend it, enjoy this historical moment!

Julie Selby