Months of dark nights, cold winds and foggy rain have been the backdrop over the start of this year, and while we’ve had glimpses of the sun here and there, Winter has very much made itself known. But as I’m writing this, through the drops of rain on the window I can see a teeny glimpse of sunshine through the clouds, and walking the dog this morning I decided not to wear a coat! Imagine that! While the chilly Christmas weather is still clinging on for dear life, we’re slowly starting to see the arrival of Spring.
Spring officially begins, in the Northern Hemisphere at least, on the 20th March this year, and with it will bring warmer days, brighter evenings, and new life. We mark the beginning of spring with the Spring Equinox, which is when the Sun crosses the equator line, making the days and nights of equal length. In the UK, we have traditions dating thousands of years back celebrating the end of Winter and the new season’s return. It’s interesting to think about our ancestors, who would have had to ration their food and stay inside through the dark cold months, and how they would have seen Spring as a miracle that should be rejoiced.
Across the world, many, if not all, cultures celebrate the coming of Spring, in various ways. In Hinduism Holi is celebrated, a colour festival to celebrate the end of Winter. In Iran, Nowruz (meaning New Day) is a day to welcome the new season. And in Thailand the New Year is celebrated in April with Songkran. In the UK we have a couple of Pagan traditions that still survive, namely the Spring Equinox on or around the 20th March, and Beltane, which is the 1st May, which marks the middle of the season. And of course in the Christian tradition Easter is celebrated, depending on the lunar calendar at some point within the Spring. All of these festivals are to celebrate a resurrection, or rebirth, of some sort. I can’t think of a better metaphor for this time of year.
A lot of people report feeling a personal change around this year. During the Autumn and Winter months many feel the desire to hibernate; to keep warm, stay home and enjoy cosy comforts. As the temperature gets warmer and the flowers start to bud, some people feel the need to make changes in their life, and get out into nature again.
Decorating for Spring is a really great way to take advantage of the good weather and do some good for the planet, and your home, in the process.
At OohBox, we have a number of beautiful giftboxes that are designed with Spring gardens in mind. Our Spring Seed Gardener’s Gift Box comes with three beautiful varieties of wildflower, which are easy growers and amazing for helping pollenators. It’s not quite Summer yet, so we’ve included a cute plant pot style mug and shovel teaspoon for when your hands get a little chilly and a tea break is needed! And for combatting any nasties in the soil, hand sanitiser is a must! Our Nature Seed is slightly different to our Spring Seed, with seeds specifically for attracting bees and butterflies to your garden, with a gorgeous ‘Bee Happy’ Mug for your mid-gardening break.
If helping the planet is your thing, our ‘Bee-Loved’ box is a gorgeous guilt-free treat for you or a loved one! With a mix of native wildflower seeds, gorgeous salted caramel chocolate, our ‘Bee Happy’ mug, a bee hive felting kit, bee revival keyring, and a beautiful Bee House, your Springtime save the bees resolution is a winner. I’d recommend installing the Bee House near your kitchen window, by the way. Watching the bees flying in and out of their little house is so relaxing while doing the washing up!
And after all that gardening, don’t you think you should show it off?! A BBQ is the perfect way to enjoy the warmer days with some friends, in your beautiful garden. Our BBQ Sizzler box will get your BBQ party off to a fab start. I’m actually quite jealous you’ve not invited me, to be honest.