Sending your child off to university is a monumental milestone. It's a moment of immense pride and a touch of heartache. The once bustling home suddenly feels like a quiet sanctuary, but before you start enjoying the calm, brace yourself for the impending end-of-term laundry delivery. Here’s a light-hearted guide to surviving – and thriving – during this transition.

Phase 1: The Farewell Fanfare

The day has arrived. You’ve packed the car with more belongings than you thought possible and made the journey to their new home away from home. As you unload boxes of clothes, snacks, and an alarming number of shoes, you’re filled with a mix of pride and anxiety.

Just remember, this is the moment you’ve been preparing for! Embrace it with a brave face. Hug them tight, remind them to call you (at least once a week), and try not to cry until you’re back in the car. Yes, you’ll miss them, but think of the quiet evenings ahead and how you won’t have to endure the mystery of “who left the milk out. the door open, the empty can of tuna on the worktop?”


Phase 2: Revelling in the Silence

Ah, the serenity of an empty nest. For the first time in years, you can enjoy a clutter-free home. No more stepping on discarded shoes or finding half-eaten sandwiches under the bed. Celebrate the newfound peace and indulge in some “me time.” Pick up that hobby you’ve neglected, binge-watch your favourite shows without interruptions, or just relish in the fact that the bathroom is now exclusively yours.

But be warned: The silence can be a bit too loud at times. You might find yourself wandering into their room, reminiscing about their childhood. It's okay to feel a pang of nostalgia. Just remember, they’re out there having the time of their lives, growing and learning.


Phase 3: The Phone Calls

You’ll notice a pattern: the phone calls. They’ll start sporadic, with enthusiastic updates about their new friends, classes, and the questionable food in the canteen.  As the weeks go by, the calls will evolve into desperate pleas for advice on how to cook something other than beans on toast or what to do about the weird noise their laptop is making.

Answer with patience and humour. These calls are golden opportunities to stay connected and reassure yourself that they still need you – invest in our Student Gift box which has easy recipes and useful goodies for their new adventure.


Phase 4: The First Visit Home

Brace yourself for the end-of-term laundry delivery. You’ll know they’re coming home not just by the date on the calendar, but by the mounting excitement in their voice and the subtle hints about how much they’ve missed home-cooked meals.

When they walk through the door, it’ll be with an impressive bag of dirty laundry. Prepare yourself mentally and physically. This is not just laundry; it’s a testament to their newfound independence and your ongoing role in their life. Approach it with humour: consider creating a “laundry survival kit” for them, complete with detergent, a how-to guide, and maybe even some cheeky labels like “Mum’s Magic Stain Remover.”


Phase 5: The Return to the Nest

As they settle back in, you’ll notice that they’ve changed. They’re a bit more grown-up, perhaps a tad more responsible, and they might even thank you for the clean laundry. Enjoy the time together. Listen to their stories, laugh at their adventures, and cherish these moments.

The cycle of university life means they’ll leave and return several times, each time a little different. And each time, you’ll find new ways to adjust and enjoy your own life too. Whether it’s reconnecting with old friends, starting new hobbies, or just enjoying the peaceful mornings, the empty nest is an opportunity for you to spread your wings as well.

So, while you prepare for the next wave of laundry and the eventual quiet house, remember that both you and your child are on a wonderful journey. And who knows? You might even learn to love the empty nest – at least until the next term ends and the laundry bags come home again.