It’s All Rush, Rush, Rush!
Christmas is such a joyous time of year! As stressful as it can be getting our gifts together in the last minute rush (or maybe there are some of you who are really organised and have the whole thing sussed), excitement still prevails… and all this for a day long occasion too! But hey, it’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!
Admittedly, things are a bit different this year.
With, dare we say, that dastardly virus being just about everywhere, the chances of consumers hitting the high streets with their annual battle through the crowds and queuing along with the other like-minded gift aficionado’s may not be an option. However you do it, unless you know what you really want, gift sourcing at this time of year is indeed a battle field.
Why do we put ourselves through it? The weather is certainly unpredictable at this time of year and who really wants to be queuing up in that cold, wet and windy weather? Surely if we were to admit what we really wanted to do (instead of gift buying), wouldn’t it be to chill out in the comfort of our own home with a Netflix box set and a good old glass of Eggnog?
Now, thinking about those stress levels does beg the question: How did we manage before we had e-commerce? More to the point, how would we manage without it? It’s unthinkable. Queues would be longer due to current restrictions and of course, weather is always colder (that’s a given) – and if not colder, certainly wetter! Added to this, there’s even that niggling feeling of “Grumpyitis”!
“But it’s the Most Wonderful Time of the year, how can that be?”
If you really, really think about it, it’s also possibly the only time of year when everybody else out there is on the same mission as you! Added to this, same place, same time. Hmmmmm…. things are getting mighty crowded in here.
With the year we’ve all had, now more than ever it’s important to put our time and energy into doing the simple, rewarding things in life, which all help to promote a state of mindfulness. Looking for a pamper gift box? We have plenty to nourish mind, body & soul! Do you have your garden winter-ready? Green spaces come in all shapes and sizes. Whatever size your garden is, there’s nothing better than tending to those seeds you’ve been growing and watching in amazement as they get bigger. How rewarding! Check out our range especially for green fingers to find the gardening gift box for you!
If you really think about it, Autumn as a season carries those feel-good qualities – it’s the only time of year you get to see those wonderful russet colours. Also, if you get Autumn on a good day, there’s nothing better than wrapping up warm and getting out there in the sun, whether with a loved one or your fur baby!
Which person are you? Are you the organised, “got this in the bag” type or is it likely we’d see you head-down, mask on, braving the elements to queue (for a ridiculously long time) only to make it to the store and not actually find what you’re looking for?
Whoever you are we’re here to bring a bit of joy back to your life and of course, your lucky gift recipient’! Now’s the time to forget the weather, queues, masks and Grumpyitis, get on that Netflix box set (glass of Eggnog at side) and find the gift you’ve been looking for – and all from the safety and comfort of your own home.
We’ll raise a glass to that!