We are already seeing the signs of a brighter time, a bit of sunshine, snowdrops and daffodils are already pushing through bringing cheer and colour. By June 21st, all being well, we will be back on track to normality and being able to socialise with our friends and families again. Already the days are growing longer and the temperatures, although still changeable are on the up so now is the time to prepare for this momentous season. Let’s get ready by preparing our outdoor space and gardens. Now is the time to put on your boots and get out there!
- Plan your colour scheme and order your summer flowering bulbs and seeds for early spring planting. We offer a selection of gift boxes for gardeners if you have a birthday gift dilemma. Practical and beautiful they each offer 3 tins of seeds, a mug and a brew courtesy of Bird and Blend.
- Tidy up your borders and tubs. Clear away leaves and debris but be mindful of wildlife. Hedgehogs and frogs and toads may still be asleep so you may want to leave this until early spring. Don’t compost your weeds, these will germinate and end up back in your beds next year!! When you are down to bare soil dig in a layer of manure or compost to help prepare for the new plants.
- If you have a greenhouse, now is the time to give it a wash and scrub ready for the growing season ahead and if you are going to start having visitors your garden furniture might need some attention after the winter months, a hose down and maybe a lick of paint.
- It’s time for a breather, kettle on and biscuit. Our relax gift box “Happy” contains all the essentials, relaxing herbal tea, biscuits and the mug. You’ve grafted a bit so put your feet up with the Happy book.
- Sow any seeds that need a longer germination, all the information is on the packs, and if you don’t have a greenhouse, a windowsill will work.
- If you haven’t got a water-butt then it’s a good idea to get one. By using the collected rainwater, which is plentiful right now, we can be eco-friendly through the summer as water authorities resort to streams and reserves during a drought. Rainwater is better for your plants too. At ooh-box we offer a selection of eco- friendly gift boxes, our favourite made from sustainable bamboo has the coffee mug, a handy gardener’s notebook and pen for all your gardening dates and notes.
- Have a look at your fences and trellises, repair any broken wood, jet wash and remove any moss and dirt and if we get a good dry day give them a coat of paint or stain. There are so many great colours available which will create a fabulous backdrop for your blossoming beds and borders.
- Give your compost heap a turn. You should do this monthly and mix grass cutting, twigs, paper and leaves. Throw in your vegetable peelings too to create a good mix for the season.
Whether you want to send a box gift to yourself or to a loved-one we have plenty to bring you cheer! Specific gifts for gardeners in the form of our seed gift boxes or relax and pamper in a box, there are plenty to choose from.
Good Luck with your gardening endeavours and we hope you have a great Summer x