‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’, a song that first appeared in print all the way back in the 1780s, refers to the twelve days following Christmas Day, so ending on the 5th January. For those of you who enjoy the festive season, it’s an excellent and historical excuse to stretch out your carol singing for another fortnight. For those of you who aren’t into Christmas, well…
The song first popped up in history in 1780, with the melody not being introduced until the 20th Century by Frederic Austin. A song hailing from Scotland, known as ‘the Yule Song’, is strikingly similar, except it details the many gifts the King sent to his love. The Smithsonian did an estimate of the total price of all of these gifts, and you would certainly fare better as a king; the estimated the total of all of these luxurious items is £23,000! Most of us aren’t spending anywhere near that amount every yuletide, although sometimes it can feel like it!
Christmas has always been a time of giving and receiving, with the majority of retailers making the majority of their profits in the last few months of the year. The pressure of buying the perfect gift for someone can be a lot to deal with, but sometimes the simplest words are the truest: it’s the thought that counts (although as a gift shop, the less said about that the better)!
Christmas is right up there with Valentine’s Day as one of the most romantic holidays of the year. Every Christmas morning, social media is flooded with the ‘I said yes’ posts, with a beautifully manicured hand and a dazzling engagement ring perched on the finger. Gift giving is one of the most wonderful ways of showing your loved ones that you are thinking of them, and Christmas can be a wonderful time to show your love and commitment in the truest sense. Even though winter is the least popular time to get married, and that’s mainly down to our British weather, but let’s face it, our summer weather is hardly predictable. At least around Christmas you know that it going to be cold and can really make the most of it. Imagine a winter wedding, it’s so romantic and a great time to tie the knot for a number of reasons:
- Good venues are often discounted
- Guests will be available
- The photo opportunities will be epic
- The bridal gown will be stand out from the rest
- Many venues are already decorated for Christmas
- A winter honeymoon to somewhere warm will be just the treat and break from the English weather.
Even if your heart is set on a summer wedding, what about a winter engagement? A perfect opportunity for a great Insta post! Why not arrange a photo session so you can share the news in pictures. Cosy chunky jumpers, snowy scenery, cuddles to keep warm, the opportunities are endless.
And for those of us that are already with our chosen life partners we can still embrace the season. As ‘the twelve days of Christmas’ shows us, knowing that someone is thinking of you is, simply, one of the greatest gifts of all.