We all get stressed from time to time, sometimes on a daily basis but for the most part our bodies are able to cope and we are able to carry on. When things get too much for us or our friends and love ones, we may feel that help is needed, something to help us relax or a pick-me-up. Here at Ooh we have created a collection of Relax and Pamper Gift Boxes that contain perfectly chosen luxury items that are certain to lift the spirits.
Here are some simple ways which will relax the mind and body.
Take a deep breath, hold for a moment and release. Focus on the in breath and then on the release. Breathing exercises are just one way to help you to relax. As part of this routine, filling the room with scents of lavender, eucalyptus or clary sage are all well-known herbal remedies to help alleviate stress. The Relaxer Gift Box is perfect and has all the things you need to set a peaceful scene.
Have a long soak in a warm bath, light some candles, the low glow and scent will help you relax and add some scented bath salts, like the Bloomtown Rose Garden aromatherapy salts that feature in the Pink Pamper Gift Set. This beautiful pamper gift box contains everything you need for a full in home spa and relaxation day.
Read a good book, we have several books available across our Relax and Pamper range. The Little Book of Mindfulness, ten minutes a day to less stress and more peace, Fern Cotton’s acclaimed Calm and Happy, two great books with simple things to inch us away from the stressful to a place of Calm and Happiness.
Keep a journal. Writing down how you feel can often make you feel better. Somehow putting pen to paper and reading back your own words can help you to make sense of your thoughts and feelings and aid you in the search for a more peaceful mind. Use pictures, drawings and cut-outs or search out meaningful poems or phrases that will lift your mood. The Deskmate has a beautiful faux leather Cross journal and chrome ballpoint pen and to help with your journaling we have included post it notes, page markers and a chic white stainless water bottle, to hydrate the body whilst you soothe the mind. We also have The Writer, a beautiful soft touch notebook with a handy 16GB USB Pen and Memory Stick.
Get active. Talk a walk or go for a bike ride, it doesn’t need to be high intensity. Just being outdoors in the fresh air helps. Focus on the scenery, even in our towns and cities there is something that nature will surprise us with, and even in a concrete jungle you can always just sit and look up! If you’re lucky enough to have a garden then get your trowel and get planting. Whether you have acres of space or a few patio tubs, the satisfaction from seeing the results coming into bloom is a joy in itself. Our Gardeners Gift Boxes are a perfect gift containing easy to sow seeds, a mug and tea. Just enough to take your mind off your troubles and focus on something fresh.
Feeling stressed can affect us physically as well as mentally but finding peace doesn’t need to take up a lot of time. Finding something that takes you away from the things that stress you, even for a few minutes, will give you enough space to feel calmer, think more clearly and feel more relaxed.
We hope you are able find the perfect gift for relaxation for you or your loved one on our pages. Remember when you need to show that you’re thinking of someone, you can’t beat a Hug!
Take Care