Ah, the school holidays—a magical time of year when parents swap the daily routine of school drop-offs and homework battles for... non-stop entertainment duty! For working parents, this period can feel like a wild rollercoaster ride through a theme park of chaos. But fear not! With a sprinkle of humour and a dash of creativity, you can survive, and even enjoy, the longest six weeks of your life!


The Early Morning Alarm Clock Conundrum

School holidays mean no more early morning alarms, right? Wrong. Your kids have an uncanny ability to wake up at the crack of dawn, even when there’s no school. It’s like they’ve got an internal radar set to “maximum parental inconvenience.” But don’t worry, just grab a cup of coffee and prepare for the day’s adventures.


The Art of Occupying Kids

Keeping kids entertained all day is like juggling flaming swords while riding a unicycle. Here are some ideas to keep those little balls of energy occupied:


The Great Outdoors: Send them outside! Fresh air is magical. Equip them with a magnifying glass for a bug hunt or let them loose with chalk for driveway masterpieces. Bonus: They might even tire themselves out.  Get them planting some seeds that they can take care of over summer, our Garden Gifts are just the thing.


DIY Craft Time: Embrace your inner Pinterest parent. Gather all the glitter, glue, and lolly sticks you can find and let the kids’ creativity run wild. Remember, mess equals fun (just keep a vacuum handy).  


Cooking Classes: Turn your kitchen into a culinary school. Kids love making their own snacks, and you might even get a mini Gordon Ramsay in the making. Just be prepared for a few “creative” combinations—peanut butter and pickles, anyone?  Our cute Baking Day gift set has all the basic equipment to get them started.


Reading Forts: Build a cosy reading fort with blankets and pillows. Stock it with their favourite books and some new ones. You get a little peace, and they get to explore new worlds—win-win!  They can also rehearse a show for you for later in the day with our Storytime Gift set complete with Wooden Spoon Puppets!


Science Experiments: Who doesn’t love a good volcano eruption? Simple science experiments can be both educational and entertaining. Just ensure you have plenty of cleaning supplies on standby.


The Screen Time Dilemma

Ah, screen time—the modern parent’s frenemy. It’s a delicate balance. Too much, and you risk raising screen zombies. Too little, and you’re the meanest parent ever. Establish a schedule that includes educational content and fun activities. There’s a plethora of kid-friendly apps and shows that won’t rot their brains.


The Work-from-Home Balancing Act

Working from home during the holidays? Prepare for conference calls featuring unexpected guest appearances from your children. A few tips:


Set Boundaries: Create a work zone and set clear boundaries. A “Do Not Disturb” sign can work wonders.

Activity Bins: Prepare bins with different activities for them to dive into when you need uninterrupted work time.

Bribery: Sometimes, a little incentive (like extra screen time) goes a long way.

The Evening Wind-Down

After a day of nonstop action, winding down can be tricky. Consider a family movie night. Popcorn, pjs, and a classic film can be the perfect end to a busy day. And if they fall asleep halfway through? Even better!


Embrace the Chaos

Remember, the key to surviving school holidays is embracing the chaos. Sure, your house might look like a tornado hit a toy store, and you might find yourself wondering if it’s socially acceptable to wear pyjamas all day. But these moments are fleeting, and amidst the craziness, memories are being made.


So, grab another cup of coffee, laugh at the madness, and enjoy the extra time with your kids. After all, school will start again soon enough, and you’ll be back to the routine grind. Until then, let the school holiday adventures continue!