I found this absolutely mad, but it turns out there’s a lot of scientific evidence linking your character and your birth month.  Isn’t that crazy?!  Apparently, which season a baby is born in makes a difference to their personality, their health, even possibly their future!  Crazy and amazing world, hey?

If you or your loved one is expecting their baby between March and June, then you or they are in luck!  Babies conceived in Summer, and therefore born in Spring, are much more likely to have a better birth weight than their baby friends born in other seasons.  This means that, generally, Springtime babies are born more robust, according to science.org.  Other researchers have found a plethora of information about Spring babies, and we thought it would be a good idea to present them to you, and discuss how to use this knowledge to give your Springtime little one the best start.

Babies born between March and June are more optimistic than babies born in different months.  They tend to have sunnier personalities, and live life with a ‘glass half full’ attitude.  Allowing your baby the opportunity to explore this joie de vive is essential to peaking their curiosity as they grow.  Baby sensory equipment and music will really allow them to explore their independence, and enjoy the rewards of new skills learnt.  Our Making Music gift box is made with little ones in mind. Perfect to develop fine motor skills and maybe a star in the making?

Did you know that the majority of CEOs are born in Springtime?  Of course it could be a coincidence, but are you willing to take that chance?  Allowing time for your baby to problem solve and follow their instincts with imaginary play, storytelling and Montessori based activities will set up your baby for success further down the line!  We have a selection of classic tales complete with spoon puppets for make believe and to bring storytime to life, just choose your favourite story in Storytime Fun and receive a gorgeous backpack too!

Unfortunately, there are a couple of drawbacks to a Spring baby.  It seems that kids born around this time of year tend to have a later bedtime, possibly due to being born when the days or longer when compared to the Autumn and Winter months.  In order to save your sleep (and your sanity), kitting out your baby’s nursery is essential to allow for a trouble-free slip into sleep.  Sweet dreams, little Beltane baby!  Our Nursery gift set has all you need, the night light, growth chart, a record book for all those milestones and much more.  If you've got a budding genius then you need to help them bloom!

You’re in luck, however, because your Spring baby is also less likely to have allergies!  Researchers here in the UK found that babies born in this season had less markers for allergies compared to other babies.  No reason not to get out into the great outdoors and get your little one interested in nature, animals, or even gardening!

Spring is definitely a time for renewal and change, and while a new baby is pretty much the epitome of renewal and change, celebrating this in the garden is a perfect way of welcoming your little one into your home.  Birth flowers for Springtime babies are Daffodil, Daisy, and Lily of the Valley; beautiful flowers to commemorate the arrival of your bundle of joy.

We at OohBox send you a million congratulations on the safe arrival of your little person, and hope these little nuggets of wisdom help inspire you as they grow up.  We’re sending you all the luck in the world!

Julie Selby