Everyone loves the Summertime. The days get longer, the nights get lighter, and Bank Holidays start popping up all over the place!
But for some the Summer brings around a not so laissez-faire attitude. Those people are coming to the end of their Further Education journey, and are completely inundated with coursework deadlines, revision, and the ever-dreaded exams.
Mine were a long time ago now (I won’t tell you when so don’t even ask), but I remember very distinctly the huge sports hall we had to sit in, all in rows. The silence was deafening, apart from the slow clack of the adjudicator’s heels on the floor. It’s anxiety-inducing even thinking about it even now, let alone if someone you know is about to face it this Summer.
The thing that got me through it was the thought that, all going to plan, I’d be off to university in the Summer. That excitement was enough to keep me focussed and get through the stress of getting all that work done and knowledge revised.
I remember being part of all the Facebook groups for my course through the Summer, getting to know the people I’ll be living and working with, and saving money for the all-important freshers week. I suddenly started nagging my Step-dad for easy to cook recipes, and was at the shop’s every weekend looking at bed linen. I was a changed girl!
Of course, if you’ve got someone in your life going away to study for the first time, it’s worth thinking about something you can send off with them that they’ll appreciate. They’ve probably got the big things covered, but something a little different might be just the sort of thing to show them you’re cheering them on.
Our ‘The Student’ gift box has had a lot of thought put into it to give them a little boost when they take off in September. Our sleek and stylish insulated water bottle makes it easy for them to keep hydrated through long lectures (or after a heavy night), and the student cookbook supplies them with cheap and easy (and healthy) meals to help them look after themselves. Our gorgeous bamboo notebook and pen is sustainable and lovely to use, complete with hand sanitiser to keep on top of fresher’s flu.
There’s also a pack of cards included, so that your loved one can be the main person in halls with ring of fire privileges. And the piece de resistance, our 16GB USB attached to a smooth ballpoint pen.
To go a slightly different way however, there are plenty of ideas for the student who will be commuting from home! If they’re driving, our ‘new car’ box is a lovely trip to make those cold Winter drives onto campus a lot more cosy. Or for those catching the train or bus, our ‘Commuter’ or ‘Mini Commuter’ will have them riding the rails in style!
Or, for the post Zoom world we’re all living in, a home office is perfect for any remote lectures that will be taking place. Why not hit your new student up with our ‘The Desk Mate’ or ‘Mini Desk Mate’ to make sure they’re well prepared for home study?
This Summer is bound to be a Summer of high emotions, so treat them to a useful going away present to see them through the stress of exams to the excitement of September!